Our daily horseback rides originate out of the Colorado State Forest near Gould. We offer 2 hour, 1/2 day and all day rides. All riders must be 6 years old to participate. As part of the booking, we will ask you all the riders' age, height, weight and riding ability as we would like to match you to certain horses or mules. We will also ask where you are camping/staying so that if there is inclement weather, we can find you to reschedule your ride. Don't forget your camera!
Things to bring for all the rides: Lunch (for 1/2 day and all day rides, snacks & something to drink. Bring along rain
gear, (NO PONCHOS PLEASE). Let us know if you do not have rain gear, we will bring along extras. You should bring along sunscreen, we ride up to 11,000 feet. Bring closed toe shoes and wear long pants.
Prior to your horseback ride, we go over an extensive horse seminar before riding to make sure everyone is comfortable.
All riders must be 6 years old or older, the best ride for them is the 2 hour ride. We will have one of our guides lead them through the trip. A two hour ride is good for anyone including beginners.
2 hour trip is $60 per person.
Half day trip is $100 per person.
All day trip is $200 per person.
Ride horseback into the most spectacular scenery, camp next to high mountain lakes and fish to your hearts content. Horseback ride to different lakes during your trip and experience the serenity of the mountains. Rainbows, browns, cutthroat and brookies can be found in these lakes. You can fish, horseback ride, site see, take pictures and enjoy the serenity of the Wilderness. We provide a full time camp cook to ensure quality meals on these trips. We set up the trip to your time schedule for your individual group.
Call for a quote!
Drop Camps
For some of you, those days of "packing in your own gear" to beautiful high country lakes, are gone. This is where we can help. We can pack in your group and gear on horseback and come in and pick you up a few day later. This enables you to enjoy your high country experience without being exhausted. Gear is available if needed.
Please call for availability and prices.
A true wilderness experience!